All video submissions will get proper credit if accepted.
Submit Music, Videos, Written pieces using the form below. Due to the high volume of submissions we receive we are unable to respond to every request. Please allow 5-7 days for your submission to be reviewed. If you do not see your content on the site or receive a response from us in that timeframe, it is safe to assume that we are not interested in your submission.
Every Saturday and Sunday, we will feature one songs from our submissions on the homepage on Monday
DO NOT submit the same SONG within the same weekly cycle. Duplicate content will be deleted by our system.
Any attempts to SPAM our system will result in automatic disqualification and banned accounts.
NO FREESTYLES, original content only
Advertising: [email protected]
Public Relation: [email protected]
General: [email protected]
Staff: [email protected]
Contact Number: 770 609 9332
Office Hours: Monday – Friday (8am – 10pm)